人工智能(AI)的应用范围是巨大的,危害可能性也是如此。越来越愤怒地对来自AI系统的潜在风险产生了刺激行动,以解决这些风险,同时侵蚀对AI系统的信心以及发展它们的组织。 2019年研究发现了80多个出版和采用了“AI伦理原则”的组织,从此加入了更多。但原则往往会在“什么”和“如何”之间的差距和“如何”的差距。这样的差距已经启用可疑或道德可疑的行为,这促进了特定组织的可信度,更广泛地。因此,迫切需要允许AI开发人员防止伤害的具体方法,并允许他们通过可验证行为来证明其可靠性。下面,我们探索机制(从ARXIV:2004.07213绘制)创建一个生态系统,即AI开发人员可以获得信任 - 如果他们值得信赖。更好地评估开发商可信度,可以为用户选择,员工行动,投资决策,法律追索和新兴治理提供信息。制度。
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我们通过将系统的任务性能以及系统开发和部署产生的时间和资源成本纳入整体框架来重新构架AI中的进度分析。这些成本包括:数据,专家知识,人类监督,软件资源,计算周期,硬件和网络设施以及(什么样的)时间。这些成本分配在系统的生命周期中,并可能对不同的开发人员和用户提出不同的需求。我们提出的多维性能和成本空间可以折叠成单个公用事业指标,该指标衡量了对不同利益相关者的系统价值。即使没有单个效用函数,AI的进步也可以通过它们是否扩展帕累托表面来评估。我们将这些类型的成本标记为被忽视的AI进度维度,并使用四个案例研究探索它们:Alpha*(GO,国际象棋和其他棋盘游戏),ALE(Atari Games),Imagenet(图像分类)和虚拟个人助理( Siri,Alexa,Cortana和Google Assistant)。 AI中的这种更广泛的进步模型将导致估计AI系统潜在的社会使用和影响的新颖方法,以及建立里程碑以实现未来的进步。
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While the capabilities of autonomous systems have been steadily improving in recent years, these systems still struggle to rapidly explore previously unknown environments without the aid of GPS-assisted navigation. The DARPA Subterranean (SubT) Challenge aimed to fast track the development of autonomous exploration systems by evaluating their performance in real-world underground search-and-rescue scenarios. Subterranean environments present a plethora of challenges for robotic systems, such as limited communications, complex topology, visually-degraded sensing, and harsh terrain. The presented solution enables long-term autonomy with minimal human supervision by combining a powerful and independent single-agent autonomy stack, with higher level mission management operating over a flexible mesh network. The autonomy suite deployed on quadruped and wheeled robots was fully independent, freeing the human supervision to loosely supervise the mission and make high-impact strategic decisions. We also discuss lessons learned from fielding our system at the SubT Final Event, relating to vehicle versatility, system adaptability, and re-configurable communications.
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Tongue cancer is a common oral cavity malignancy that originates in the mouth and throat. Much effort has been invested in improving its diagnosis, treatment, and management. Surgical removal, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy remain the major treatment for tongue cancer. The survival of patients determines the treatment effect. Previous studies have identified certain survival and risk factors based on descriptive statistics, ignoring the complex, nonlinear relationship among clinical and demographic variables. In this study, we utilize five cutting-edge machine learning models and clinical data to predict the survival of tongue cancer patients after treatment. Five-fold cross-validation, bootstrap analysis, and permutation feature importance are applied to estimate and interpret model performance. The prognostic factors identified by our method are consistent with previous clinical studies. Our method is accurate, interpretable, and thus useable as additional evidence in tongue cancer treatment and management.
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We propose parameterizing the population distribution of the gravitational wave population modeling framework (Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis) with a normalizing flow. We first demonstrate the merit of this method on illustrative experiments and then analyze four parameters of the latest LIGO/Virgo data release: primary mass, secondary mass, redshift, and effective spin. Our results show that despite the small and notoriously noisy dataset, the posterior predictive distributions (assuming a prior over the parameters of the flow) of the observed gravitational wave population recover structure that agrees with robust previous phenomenological modeling results while being less susceptible to biases introduced by less-flexible distribution models. Therefore, the method forms a promising flexible, reliable replacement for population inference distributions, even when data is highly noisy.
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Planet formation is a multi-scale process in which the coagulation of $\mathrm{\mu m}$-sized dust grains in protoplanetary disks is strongly influenced by the hydrodynamic processes on scales of astronomical units ($\approx 1.5\times 10^8 \,\mathrm{km}$). Studies are therefore dependent on subgrid models to emulate the micro physics of dust coagulation on top of a large scale hydrodynamic simulation. Numerical simulations which include the relevant physical effects are complex and computationally expensive. Here, we present a fast and accurate learned effective model for dust coagulation, trained on data from high resolution numerical coagulation simulations. Our model captures details of the dust coagulation process that were so far not tractable with other dust coagulation prescriptions with similar computational efficiency.
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光环伴形培养基中的离子气体通过热阳光阳光层(TSZ)效应在宇宙微波背景上留下烙印。来自活性银河核(AGN)和超新星的反馈会影响晕孔集成TSZ通量的测量($ y_ \ mathrm {sz} $),并导致其与光晕质量的关系($ y_ \ mathrm {sz} -mm $ )偏离病毒定理的自相似幂律预测。我们对使用骆驼,一套流体动力模拟的套件进行了全面研究,反馈处方的差异很大。我们使用两个机器学习工具(随机森林和符号回归)的组合来搜索$ y-m $关系的类似物,这对低质量的反馈过程($ m \ sillesim 10^{14} \,h^, {-1} \,m_ \ odot $);我们发现,仅替换$ y \ rightarrow y(1+m _*/m_ \ mathrm {gas})$在关系中使其非常相似。这可以用作低质量簇和星系组的强大多波长质量代理。我们的方法通常对于提高其他天体分级关系的有效性领域通常也很有用。我们还预测,$ y-m $关系的测量值可以在反馈参数的某些组合和/或排除超级新闻和AGN反馈模型的主要部分,以提供百分比的约束。艺术流体动力模拟。我们的结果对于使用即将进行的SZ调查(例如SO,CMB-S4)和Galaxy Surveys(例如Desi和Rubin)来限制Baryonic反馈的性质。最后,我们发现,$ y-m _*$的另一种关系提供了有关反馈的补充信息,而不是$ y-m $。
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手动相互作用的研究需要为高维多手指模型产生可行的掌握姿势,这通常依赖于分析抓取的合成,从而产生脆弱且不自然的结果。本文介绍了Grasp'd,这是一种与已知模型和视觉输入的可区分接触模拟的掌握方法。我们使用基于梯度的方法作为基于采样的GRASP合成的替代方法,该方法在没有简化假设的情况下失败,例如预先指定的接触位置和本本特征。这样的假设限制了掌握发现,尤其是排除了高接触功率掌握。相比之下,我们基于模拟的方法允许即使对于具有高度自由度的抓地力形态,也可以稳定,高效,物理逼真,高接触抓紧合成。我们确定并解决了对基于梯度的优化进行掌握模拟的挑战,例如非平滑对象表面几何形状,接触稀疏性和坚固的优化景观。 GRASP-D与人类和机器人手模型的分析掌握合成相比,并且结果抓紧超过4倍,超过4倍,从而导致较高的GRASP稳定性。视频和代码可在https://graspd-eccv22.github.io/上获得。
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尽管过度拟合并且更普遍地,双重下降在机器学习中无处不在,但增加了最广泛使用的张量网络的参数数量,但矩阵乘积状态(MPS)通常会导致先前研究中的测试性能单调改善。为了更好地理解由MPS参数参数的体系结构的概括属性,我们构建了人工数据,这些数据可以由MPS精确建模并使用不同数量的参数训练模型。我们观察到一维数据的模型过于拟合,但也发现,对于更复杂的数据而言,过度拟合的意义较低,而对于MNIST图像数据,我们找不到任何过拟合的签名。我们推测,MPS的概括属性取决于数据的属性:具有一维数据(MPS ANSATZ是最合适的)MPS容易拟合的数据,而使用更复杂的数据,该数据不能完全适合MPS,过度拟合过度。可能不那么重要。
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我们开发了一种新类型的模型,以解决通过构建$ \ mathrm {so}^{+}(2,1)$ ecurivariant神经网络来解决多模式光纤的传输效果的任务。该模型利用了已知存在于纤维斑点模式中已知的方位角相关性,并且自然说明了输入和斑点模式之间的空间布置差异。此外,我们使用第二个后处理网络去除圆形伪像,填充间隙并锐化图像,这是由于光纤传输的性质所需的。这种两阶段的方法允许检查由更健壮的身体动机模型产生的预测图像,该模型可能在安全关键的应用程序中或两种模型的输出,从而产生高质量的图像。此外,该模型可以扩展到以前无法实现的成像分辨率,并在256美元\ times 256 $像素图像上显示出来。这是将可训练的参数需求从$ \ MATHCAL {O}(n^4)$提高到$ \ Mathcal {o}(M)$的结果,其中$ n $是像素大小,$ m $是光纤数模式。最后,该模型将在培训数据类别之外的新图像中概括,比以前的模型更好。
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